To wrap up the series from the Reliability Matters podcast for the electronic assembly industry, Paul and Mike explain Anders unique approach to business.
What drives the Anders team is an unmatched, natural curiosity for exploring and solving challenges for their clients. From that curiosity comes knowledge and experience that can be shared with new clients. Since our design team is much larger than usual, with extensive years of expertise, we can create better, sleeker and more efficient solutions. The team welcome challenges because they sincerely relish the ability to solve issues for others.
They also retain that knowledge for use across design opportunities. For example, solutions for challenges in harsh environments may also hold promise for issues in seemingly unrelated applications. For instance, from the maritime endurance issues Anders has overcome – salt, rain, vibration, and extreme temperatures – the company can fortify embedded displays for all sorts of difficult surroundings.
With our large design team based in the UK, we can quickly solve problems in a collaborative, real-time setting. The team becomes a partner with our clients, exploring the situations and potential hazards the new product may encounter, taking ownership of the design process and becoming accountable for nearly every aspect of design integration. Anders’ perspective and experience offers valuable insight into product design, sourcing and servicing the new product.
Since 1952, the company has morphed from making meters, dials and gauges to designing intricate display solutions, and in the meantime, supporting some products for over 20 years. We know that design must look both backward to remain compatible with older technology, and forward to anticipate new breakthroughs in technology.
As Anders moves forward, we anticipate that as technology improves, there will be even more integration. In the past, meters that used to be relatively standalone pieces are now becoming integrated into very complicated components - even more reason to have an experienced team on your side. And with the shifting international business climate, there’s even more reason to stay local.
On this website is our customer process timeline, from the moment they make contact to the time they get a finished product, and we illustrate this in the form of the London Underground map.
If you've traveled on the London Tube, you know that to get from one end of London to the other, you've got to make multiple changes and stops, so the Anders analogy works - when designing a product, you've got to make multiple changes, stops and starts, but eventually you get from A to B, and if you travel with Anders, you will have a memorable trip.
If you would like to catch up with the entire series, see the links below:
Part 1: Anders Up Close - the people behind the screen
Part 2: Anders Up Close - ensuring durability in the toughest places
Part 3: Anders up Close - challenges lead to improved customer service
Part 4: Anders Up Close - Reliability as Resilience
Part 5: Anders Up Close - the Anders difference
Anders, the people behind the screen, know how to design for relevance, resilience and reliability. For more information, click here.
If you missed the original Anders’ Reliability Matters podcast, it can be heard on the following channels:
Accendo Reliability, a site dedicated to all things reliability: