A Day in the Life of Steven McGough

I have worked in Business Development for Anders for nearly three years, a role that I enjoy immensely. I have an inquisitive nature, I love to listen to the technology dreams of new customers and visualise how I can play a role in bringing this to life.

Like most Business Development people, I appreciate that it’s the early bird that catches the worm, which is why throughout my career I've made a commitment to myself to wake up with the birds at 4.30am to start my day in an active way. I am a true advocate of the physical and mental benefits that running provides and recognised this even more so during Covid-19 combined with the motivational gains of a good podcast, a firm favourite being the mindful and educational speaker Eric Thomas (if you’ve not listened to him hold court, I strongly suggest you do).

Steven McGough Anders Electronics

It's brilliant that the Anders team can meet at our Witney office regularly. You can’t beat face-to-face for fast and effective communications and in Anders we collaborate more than the average organisations as we work to a process of ‘buddying up.’ This means that someone like me who works in Business Development, is our customers first point of contact with Anders, with me really getting to understand their specific needs, wants, and requirements. This ensures the project gets started as quickly as possible (as speed matters a great deal in the tech industry, where time to market and time in market maximises our customers competitive advantage and bottom line!)

How do I meet potential new clients for Anders?

Well, this may surprise you, but LinkedIn is becoming more and more valuable to myself and my colleagues. Gone are the days where LinkedIn was mainly a glorified CV, now LinkedIn has grown to be a powerful network which provides me with insightful data on our industry, our partners markets, our customers news, and our prospects product announcements. 

Data. Data. Data. As our Marketing and Communications team take great care and attention in regard to what we post out as a company (educational, consultative, mentoring), we interact with relevant organisations on our LinkedIn platform as well as at industry exhibitions. 

We put in the leg work to build a relationship from the bottom up, which helps us to understand our customers challenges quickly and identify if we are the correct partner to present the right solution.

Steven McGough at ECS Exhibition

As a global organisation, I link the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle as I sit at the intersection between Business Development in the UK, our manufacturing partners in China, our offices in Italy and the Netherlands, and global logistics. So, I spend a lot of his time on various conference calls across several time zones, working to one common goal of exceeding our customers’ expectations and enabling them to bring their concepts to reality!

If you want to chat about your next projects, whether that be display, embedded or a combination of both, please contact me.