A year to care

It has been three years since COVID-19 started its rampage on the world. During that time, we saw evidence of humanity where neighbours and organisations helped each other, the heartful contributions by front-line workers and the incredible advancement of science in the development of vaccines. Sadly, we also experienced the rise of misinformation, health inequity, racial and geographic discrimination. Many of us have been touched by loss of friends, family and loved ones.

2022 was meant to be the year of post pandemic recovery when we would all come together to help re-create a better world. Sadly, it was not to be, as geo-politics escalated beyond rhetoric to trade embargoes and tragically into war. 

Politicians the world over pandered to their personal agendas, making un-substantiated claims resulting in the rise of tension, discrimination and conflict. Immigrants, the poor and the disadvantaged became scapegoats for social and economic problems in nations.

heal the world in 2023

At Anders, we refuse to succumb to these trends. We are proud to celebrate the diversity of our people which has brought a richness that is immeasurable. We continue to foster our partnerships with all our stakeholders from our customers through to our suppliers, many of whom came together to help each other during the pandemic, all without asking for something in return.

2022 was a year that we chose to give back. We increased our donations to charities. Our people collected and donated to the food banks. We introduced Anders days, a day each month when all our people have an extra day off, to recharge, to care for their loved ones or to simply have some personal time. 

We have taken time to remember those that we have lost and reaffirmed our commitment to care for those who are here and in need. We recognise that our efforts are only the beginning and will strive to do more.

Anders team sent donations to the Witney food bank

As a business, we worked together with our partners to mitigate the challenges of supply chain in the last three years. We strengthened our presence in the Netherlands to better support our customers and insulate them from Brexit. Our locations in multiple countries make it easier for our customers. Concepts to Reality became our brand moving forward. We continue to work to make every interaction with us a worthwhile and wow experience.

Please join us in 2023 to rebuild a better world for everyone. We can each do our bit, no matter how small or large. We are grateful to all of you for helping to do your part.

We are fortunate to have such a wonderful and dedicated team together with our customers and suppliers. Thank you so much for all you do.

Have a safe and special time as 2022 comes to a close and may 2023 bring new hope and joy.

Bernard Lim